Endeavors [noun]

Definition of Endeavors:

attempt to achieve something

Synonyms of Endeavors:

Opposite/Antonyms of Endeavors:

Sentence/Example of Endeavors:

I am speaking, of course, of the tourist who endeavors to crowd as much as he can into a comparatively short time.

His history endeavors to show that the Felibrean renaissance was not a spontaneous springing into existence.

The fruit of their joint endeavors testifies to a harmonious, conscientious, and mutually respecting partnership.

(d) What endeavors were made to save the lives of those on board, and to prevent the vessel from sinking?

The journey home was accomplished with the customary puppish endeavors to escape restraint.

The infant seeks to grasp the burning lamp;—the parent endeavors to dissuade him from it.

Kent, still unrecognized by Lear, endeavors to persuade him to take refuge in a hovel.

They would not only refuse to give their assent to any such perfidy, but they would use their utmost endeavors to defeat it.

Fanny wants to know “what you are gone for,” and endeavors to pronounce Etruria.

In this wretched Endicott affair striking disappointment met the most brilliant endeavors.