Endurances [noun]
Definition of Endurances:
bearing hardship; staying power
Synonyms of Endurances:
● Strength
● Grit
● Ability
● Capacity
● Vitality
● Stamina
● Patience
● Courage
● Tenacity
● Mettle
● Bearing
● Heart
● Coolness
● Standing
● Spunk
● Guts
● Backbone
● Pluck
● Moxie
● Cool
● Will
● Enduring
● Starch
Opposite/Antonyms of Endurances:
Sentence/Example of Endurances:
I think the mental gains that I got from all those years of endurance road racing certainly translated.
Starting more than a decade ago, a series of studies has compared crampers with non-crampers at marathons, triathlons, and other endurance races and has failed to find any differences in the athletes’ hydration or electrolyte levels.
There’s a staggering amount of logistics and planning — and potentially water purification — involved in trying to record an FKT, but it’s proved to be a great way for endurance athletes to stay fit during the pandemic.
Fastest known times, or FKTs, are set by endurance athletes running or hiking a route, either alone or in teams.
The drug also seemed to boost endurance, at least in the mice.
They were quite different excepting only in the fact that they also had done marvels of fighting and endurance.
She was thin, skinny, dark-haired, and possessed of great physical strength in the form of endurance.
There was no doubting their bravery, of which they had given ample proof; they had simply reached the limit of physical endurance.
Similarly, the next year, he found the July heat almost beyond endurance.
Just why these storms never attain greater size or endurance is not yet known.