Energizing [adjective]
Definition of Energizing:
Sentence/Example of Energizing:
The moral force of the energizing passion became overwhelming and supreme.
He has written me exhaustive letters, and seems to be outdoing even you in the amount of energizing which he puts forth.
He had given himself an energizing hypodermic,—he had never done that before,—and had gone into it.
Joan was not the only one to whom the sparkle of the irrepressible Irishman's wit and humor was an energizing boon.
The museums were an inspiring and energizing force, for here the best work could be exhibited and studied.
We know ourselves to be energies or energizing powers which increase and do not waste by exercise.
It is well known that the diaphragm of a telephone vibrates with the fluctuations of the current energizing the magnet beneath it.
They went outside to the control console, and Dr. Davenport flipped the energizing switch.
Here Thomass reasoning points to an active ideal, an ideal of energizing, rather than repose.
The secret of criticism is some "truth" or other: this remains its energizing mystery.