Engineered [verb]

Definition of Engineered:

devise; bring about

Synonyms of Engineered:

Opposite/Antonyms of Engineered:

Sentence/Example of Engineered:

Some time ago, in an Apple campus building, a group of engineers got together.

Comice, a Tijuana-based conglomerate of engineers, contractors and business experts, also proposed a water-recycling project to the International Boundary and Water Commission.

Lacking crucial documents from Boeing has made it hard for the families’ lawyers to proceed with depositions of key company engineers, since they don’t have the information they need to formulate questions.

It also would provide the FAA with $30 million in coming years to recruit engineers and other experts to conduct oversight.

After college, he did that by working as a software engineer, using computer programming to solve problems for people.

“With every physical product now connected to the Internet—washing machines, cars, everything—every engineer, every designer, every single product is going to go through that same experience” of iterating based on instant feedback, Tzuo said.

The paper is a “wrecking ball,” says Brandon Rohrer, a machine-learning engineer at iRobot, who previously worked at Facebook and Microsoft and was not involved in the work.

Curing concrete for massive highway projects requires close attention by engineers in conjunction with the weather specific to that region.

Like Musk, Tallinn is an engineer of a certain age—Musk is 49, Tallinn is 48—who made his money on one of the early 2000s’ greatest dotcom success stories.

While my dad had been an engineer in Mexico, he became a life insurance salesman when we emigrated, then a truck driver, something he is still doing in his mid-60s.