Enjoyments [noun]

Definition of Enjoyments:

delight in something

Synonyms of Enjoyments:

Opposite/Antonyms of Enjoyments:

Sentence/Example of Enjoyments:

The idea that a hot spot has to be birded in a certain way and recorded in a certain way really takes the enjoyment out of visiting new places.

Having the room to communicate in a style that works for me – at least internally – makes it easier for me to get my work done and increases the enjoyment I get out of my work.

This is the game that made me realize that bias over historical setting can really lend to one’s personal enjoyment of a “Creed” game.

It allows Noémi to acknowledge the reality of her enjoyment while still rejecting it on no uncertain terms.

While the same tenets of enjoyment and accomplishment that you get from design projects can apply to repairs, many times trying to repair something yourself can cause bigger issues and cost you more money immediately or in the future.

No, Sir, said the other, nothing at all except the enjoyment of your good company: and so gave over importuning him.

Perhaps the nearest approach to a pure æsthetic enjoyment in these early days is the love of flowers.

The enjoyment of a picture means the understanding of it as a picture, and this requires a process of self-education.

The morning to sleep, the afternoon to business and the evening to enjoyment, seems the usual routine with the favored classes.

He even felt a certain enjoyment in the discomfiture of the self-constituted posse of searchers for stolen goods.