Entangled [verb]

Definition of Entangled:

involve, mix up

Synonyms of Entangled:

Opposite/Antonyms of Entangled:

Sentence/Example of Entangled:

The resulting coagulum is made up of a meshwork of fibrin fibrils with entangled corpuscles and plaques.

But she could easily believe that Belle had deliberately entangled Darry in this thing.

She was tugging at her bonnet strings, which were entangled in a knot, into which the cord of her eyeglasses had become twisted.

Her luxuriant chestnut hair, with frequent glints of gold entangled in its meshes, waved naturally all over her shapely head.

And while he was thus entangled, a servant came in and brought him a note, and put it in his hand.

Several became entangled in submerged tree-roots, but cleared themselves.

But if so—what an amazing and incredible thing was the mesh of slander and falsehood in which he had been entangled!

His conduct entangled the skeins of Spanish intrigue into a knot which only war could sever.

Least of all should the historian suffer himself to become entangled by a theory or a system.

Yes; but the Wagner sort of pedant would get entangled in his round of history—in his historical resemblances.