Enthusiast [noun]

Definition of Enthusiast:

person active in interest

Synonyms of Enthusiast:

Opposite/Antonyms of Enthusiast:

Sentence/Example of Enthusiast:

This 10-pen set is especially popular among bullet journal enthusiasts and creatives across fields including graphic design, animation, and sketch.

Scientists and food enthusiasts point to many components of place that may shape the aroma and flavor of food.

The flat, aluminum bottom supports even cooking and heating, and it’s beloved by sous-vide enthusiasts.

It contains sulfate and sodium chloride, which for many enthusiasts packs a layer of detoxification benefits that they can’t get with any old shampoo.

Facebook and Twitter profiles have neat slots for photos and posts, but enthusiasts of digital gardens reject those fixed design elements.

Bike companies owned and staffed by enthusiast cyclists care most about making bikes for recreational riding.

That state then repopulated itself in the Gold Rush with extraction enthusiasts, and a little more than half a century later, it suffered a truly devastating fire.

Unfortunately for cyborg enthusiasts, the work is still in its infancy.

Lowell was an enthusiast in his work, though he seldom talked of it, preferring to let results speak for themselves.

I can well understand the state of mind that actuated you, a young enthusiast, in these exciting times.