Entourages [noun]
Definition of Entourages:
Sentence/Example of Entourages:
So with painstaking attention to detail, government officials developed strict, nonnegotiable protocols to allow players and limited entourages to take part.
Twice the vice president’s agents told Pence that they recommended he and his immediate entourage evacuate the Capitol, according to two people briefed on the episode.
The proposal represents a considerable financial investment by Tennis Australia, which will cover the cost of the chartered flights to Melbourne for players and their entourages and all meals and accommodations, according to the letter.
She had previously been infected with the disease, and it was not clear what effect her husband’s diagnosis would have on the Pence entourage.
If you know you and the select members of your entourage aren’t sick, then no matter how rough and tumble the game, you won’t be putting yourself at risk of catching the virus.
A bachelor and a misanthrope, he lived absolutely alone save for a large entourage of servants, all men and elderly ones at that.
Now, it was long since pointed out that amongst his entourage Berlioz had no one possessing an understanding of the art of music.
On the same train went a much interested sleuth who detached himself from the entourage of Nicky and picked up Jake.
I hear that one of your entourage has broken a leg while going on the glacier.
With this entourage a caliphing tour could hardly fail to be successful.