Epiphyte [noun]
Definition of Epiphyte:
plant getting nutrients from air
Opposite/Antonyms of Epiphyte:
Sentence/Example of Epiphyte:
But the drawing-room epiphyte is nothing if she is not young—which is synonymous with power to interest and amuse.
Aërides, Saccolabiums, and Vandas seem to be exceptions, as they represent the highest development of the epiphyte.
Here and there a splash of white or crimson marked the blooming of some trailing epiphyte.
This epiphyte, too, is very different in structure from wheat-rust.
One is purely an epiphyte, growing attached to a tree like many of the orchids.
The same difficulty may have existed in the case of the herbaceous Miadesmia, if, as Miss Benson conjectures, it was an epiphyte.
One genus, Vanilla, is a twining epiphyte; the fruit of this plant furnishes the vanilla of commerce.
Here occurred the only Epiphyte observed during the expedition.
Epiphyte, a plant growing on another plant, but not nourished by it, 36.