erudite [adjective]

Definition of erudite:

  • Having or showing great knowledge or learning.
  • having or showing profound knowledge

Synonyms of erudite:

Opposite/Antonyms of erudite:

Sentence/Example of erudite:

The erudite professor impressed everyone with his vast knowledge of history.

Her erudite analysis of the novel earned her high praise from the critics.

He was an erudite speaker, captivating his audience with deep insights.

The erudite librarian could recommend a book on any topic.

She was known for her erudite contributions to academic journals.

The debate featured two erudite scholars discussing the impact of technology on society.

His erudite commentary on the play added depth to the discussion.

The erudite scientist made groundbreaking discoveries in his field.

Her erudite manner made her a favorite among the students.

The book was filled with erudite references that only a few readers could understand.