Escalade [verb]

Definition of Escalade:


Synonyms of Escalade:

Opposite/Antonyms of Escalade:

Sentence/Example of Escalade:

But though the leaders of the escalade had begun mounting the walls with great spirit, they foundDifficulties of the escalade.

Citizens and refugees refused to admit a royal garrison, and foiled the attempt to capture the place by escalade.

Immediately afterwards, the enemy endeavoured to take the fort by escalade, but were repulsed with great slaughter.

Twice afterwards, Raju made repeated attempts to carry the place by escalade, but was both times repulsed with much slaughter.

The remainder of his troops diverged a little to the right to escalade the breach in the Kashmir bastion.

And ever since the Genevans celebrate the day of the Escalade.

Arrived at the foot of the verandah wall there remained the problem of the escalade.

Moreover, he felt that escalade hardly became either his age or habit of body.

And throwing his hat over the trees, he drew his cutlass once more and began to escalade the slope up to the road.

An escalade of sheer mountains and a battling through vales choked with unbelievable thorns.