Esprit [noun]
Definition of Esprit:
Opposite/Antonyms of Esprit:
Sentence/Example of Esprit:
Esprit du clerg, ou le Christianisme primitif veng des entreprises et des excs de nos Prtres modernes.
This winning of the service esprit de corps—if that's the word—commenced to show results right away.
She's the most beautiful woman in England, but her esprit de conduite isn't quite on a level.
They are continually besprinkling themselves with eau de Cologne, esprit de Lavande, agua rica, or mistura.
There was a certain kind of esprit de corps among the old regular wagoners, and William Hall possessed it in a high degree.
And La Fontaine sang praises of her esprit, and this was indeed fitting at his age then.
From the very first, the Society was distinguished for the esprit de corps of its members.
He was sedate and dignified and cheerful; though Bossuet accuses him of a surly disposition,--un genre triste, un esprit chagrin.
The unity of grievances and interests gave them an esprit de corps similar to that of an army.
There is, it appears, an esprit de sexe which prevents women from giving each other away.