Etceteras [noun]

Definition of Etceteras:

odds and ends

Synonyms of Etceteras:

Opposite/Antonyms of Etceteras:


Sentence/Example of Etceteras:

Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean, roll Ten thousand fleets, etcetera.

But I mean colour of hair, kind of nose, etcetera; be more particular, and do be quick!

“Caro mio ben, credimi almen, senza di te languisce il cor,” etcetera.

On the surface about two hundred men, women, and boys are employed “dressing” the ore, etcetera.

But his pumping-engine is by no means rendered useless, for it has much to do in hauling ore to the surface, etcetera.

Johnny transported thither his entire collection of shells, corals, etcetera, which had now grown to be quite extensive.

A quantity of hibiscus bark was also collected, to be used in the manufacture of cord for fishing-lines, nets, etcetera.

I should build a castellated baronial residence, pepper-box turrets, etcetera, and resist modern new lights to the uttermost.'

The explorers encountered many dangers in their excursions, also in falling into crevasses, etcetera.

On the 16th the dreaded event occurred—the floe parted—the castaway party on one side, and the house, etcetera, on the other.