Eternality [noun]

Definition of Eternality:


Synonyms of Eternality:

Opposite/Antonyms of Eternality:


Sentence/Example of Eternality:

On one side is labor, on the other management, locked in an eternal struggle for power and resources.

The Sparks Brothers begins not at the beginning, but in the eternal middle of the Sparks story, which is today.

VOSD contributor Randy Dotinga explains in his latest story on our city’s eternal quest to be more iconic than we already are.

Yes, but it’s also powered by enormous data centers, transmission infrastructure and, of course, the wasteful eternal cycle of replacing our devices — though that last one doesn’t figure into the paper’s estimates.

The modern solar system spins serenely, the planets locked in seemingly eternal circles around the sun.

For example, actors will likely need to decide whether the peaks of eternal light should be managed as a patch of high-value real estate or as a volume of energy output to be shared.

Lavoisier took the third step by showing that the matter which enters into the constitution of the universe is an eternality.

Mayer took the fourth step by showing that the force which enters into the constitution of the universe is an eternality.

It destroys on the one hand the idea of the eternality of economic laws and limits them to particular epochs.

Which shows that together with the non-eternality of the thing denoted there goes the non-eternality of the denoting word.