Etiologies [noun]

Definition of Etiologies:

study of animal, plant structure

Synonyms of Etiologies:

Opposite/Antonyms of Etiologies:

Sentence/Example of Etiologies:

It seems to be part of its etiology, its moral and social origins and effects.

What we do know is that, speaking generally, there are multiple possible etiologies of a sudden loss of consciousness in athletes.

At autopsy, researchers have reported the presence of viral protein in the actual heart muscle of deceased patients—so viral involvement is possible, though the true etiology may be multifactorial.

The distinction is based chiefly upon etiology, although each type presents a more or less distinctive blood-picture.

Certainly there is no reason in any definitely known etiology of the affections.

This is all the more surprising as the two affections are so different in their etiology.

This idea is very suggestive when considered in relation to the etiology of bothriocephalous anmia.

This fact is of great importance in connexion both with problems of etiology and the practical question of operations on the eye.

Medieval therapeutics in insanity adapted itself to the etiology indicated.

The expedition was also intended to elucidate a few questions on the etiology of endemic plague in the Kirghiz steppes.