Evangelic [adjective]
Definition of Evangelic:
Sentence/Example of Evangelic:
The heads of the Evangelic Union had been silent but not inactive spectators of the movements in Bohemia.
Indeed, it is so full of evangelic sweetness, that we must quote it.
The evangelic labours of many of his Irish disciples, are matter of history in the Gallic Church.
Whether there is more fidelity among wives of the evangelic faith, I shall not attempt to discuss.
I ask you, father, did they ever seek to warm our young souls by words of tenderness or evangelic love?
As a whole, the Evangelic history certainly appears to have been completed at the beginning of the second century.
But this article of the Evangelic tradition seems to me to stand the test of the most minute investigation.
Being of a serious as well as emotional and amorous nature, he became converted to evangelic belief.
The evangelic elements of his system he found ready to his hand, as thought out by Luther and the German theologians.
Luther was still a Papist, and thought to grow his plants of evangelic faith under the shadow of the Upas of ecclesiasticism.