Evenness [noun]
Definition of Evenness:
Sentence/Example of Evenness:
There is a degree of evenness and keenness of cutting and clean insertion beyond which it is not possible to go.
Grace can only be gained by a perfect timing of the steps to the music, and also evenness of step.
Landy rasped his feet to evenness and cautioned that he would have to be shod if used on hard-surfaced roads.
Guy Oscard only realised the meaning of that sound when a black shadow crept on to the smooth evenness of the river's breast.
The symmetrical arrangement of hair and beard carry out the character of perfect evenness belonging to the supreme ruler.
Many lines signified changes in life, and the fewness of lines spoke of evenness and simplicity.
Dr. Hough, of Worcester, was remarkable for evenness of temper, of which the following story affords a proof.
The marble pavement is equal to the finest existing, for the size of the flags and evenness of the colour.
It also favors an evenness and tranquillity of temper, which is of almost infinite value.
Grant recognized the hopeless evenness of the tone, but Breckenridge, who was younger, did not.