Exasperation [noun]

Definition of Exasperation:

upset, provocation

Synonyms of Exasperation:

Opposite/Antonyms of Exasperation:

Sentence/Example of Exasperation:

Emails and letters obtained by VOSD reveal that Family Health Centers has long tussled with the city over building issues, costs that weren’t covered by the city, exasperation over changing documentation requirements and city processes, and more.

Likely, the few voters still trying to make up their minds by watching this shoutfest will simply throw up their hands in exasperation.

After his recent exasperation he longed to ease his heart of a sketch, but obstinacy held him back.

He did not profit in the least by his invention; in fact, it must have brought him little but exasperation and discouragement.

But these efforts to escape from their hard and cruel masters further intensified the exasperation of the South.

Then in my exasperation I whipped a pistol out of my belt, and levelling it at him, pulled the trigger.

My exasperation with self was by no means allayed when I tripped over a stone and fell my length in a sludgy patch of swamp.

Coquenil hesitated, and then with a frown of perplexity and exasperation he snapped out: "I—I haven't had time to think yet."

Deux gendarmes un beau dimanche, the dull-eyed general hummed again, with intense exasperation.

Mr. Brown took his pipe out of his mouth in surprised exasperation, and glowered at the dog.