Excreted [verb]

Definition of Excreted:

discharge, usually liquified substance

Synonyms of Excreted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Excreted:

Sentence/Example of Excreted:

It is the principal waste-product of metabolism, and constitutes about one-half of all the solids excreted—about 30 gm.

Indol is absorbed and oxidized into indoxyl, which combines with potassium and sulphuric acid and is thus excreted.

Gum is excreted from various plants as a thick fluid, which dries up into transparent masses.

It is excreted by the kidneys as various substances, including campho-glycuric acid (Schmiedeberg).

Further, the bulk of the phosphorus excreted comes from the food and only a small portion from the waste of the nervous system.

In conclusion we investigate the condition of metabolism by determining the excreted nitrogen.

Mineral acids may be excreted in other ways, and vegetable acids are liable to decomposition in the system.

Are Quina and the vegetable bitters necessarily excreted from the blood?

Catalytics are generally unnatural to the blood, and are excreted because they cannot remain in it.

When the Iron has entered the system, it is not necessarily excreted again from it, because it is not unnatural to the blood.