Excretory [adjective]

Definition of Excretory:


Synonyms of Excretory:

Opposite/Antonyms of Excretory:


Sentence/Example of Excretory:

One of the prominent openings admits the food and the water required in respiration, the other is the excretory aperture.

The excretory organs of Elasmobranchii have also formed the subject of some investigations by Dr Meyer and by myself.

In the remaining parts of the excretory organs the two species of Scyllium resemble each other very closely.

This difference accounts for two facts which were mentioned in connection with the excretory organs of the adult, viz.

The general features of the excretory organs at this period are diagrammatically represented on the woodcut, fig. 6.

The tubuli of the primitive excretory organ undergo further important changes.

The anterior tubuli of the primitive excretory organ retain their early relation to the Wolffian duct, and form the Wolffian body.

The stomach extends a little way into the arms, and a short intestine leads to the excretory opening in the center of the back.

The excretory opening is on the margin of the disk, at a point between two of the sections of the star-like figure.

Water flows in and out of these pouches, which are thought to have also respiratory and excretory functions.