Excusable [adjective]

Definition of Excusable:


Opposite/Antonyms of Excusable:

Sentence/Example of Excusable:

I told him, I thought if I kept making enough excuses, he would probably get the clue.

Coach Bill Belichick has spoken publicly about the team’s approach to the salary cap in recent years leaving the Patriots strapped this season for cap room, leading to follow-up questions about whether Belichick was making excuses.

In the latest edition of our Confessions series, in which we trade anonymity for candor, we hear from one agency exec who says that the “times are tough” excuse isn’t cutting it anymore.

The same was true of states like Louisiana and Texas, which still required voters to provide an excuse to vote absentee.

As a result, only 19 percent of Americans believed that voters should need an excuse other than the pandemic to vote absentee.

When you engaged yourself to the young woman you were poor and a nobody, and the step was perhaps excusable.

And certainly a Pastor is excusable who fails to do things of which he has no knowledge.

Et de verit vn Pasteur est excusable qui manque faire chose dont il n'a connoissance.

He is excusable; for how can a man whose digestion is just beginning understand that people could anywhere die of starvation.

This weakness was excusable, for the forest was growing very dark—lonely it always was—and full of strange sounds.