Exhaustions [noun]
Definition of Exhaustions:
Opposite/Antonyms of Exhaustions:
Sentence/Example of Exhaustions:
Murcia had run headlong into the pandemic wall, a term popularized by New York Public Radio host Tanzina Vega to capture the particular and sudden feeling of spiritual and emotional exhaustion with life during covid times.
It would be easy for both the authors and the readers to give up in futile exhaustion.
Videoconferencing is exhausting because it makes it hard to “read” people, but autistics are all too familiar with that mental exhaustion because we have always struggled with reading neurotypical people.
Many families face parenting tweens with neurological issues — and the exhaustion that can come with it.
I am concerned for their wellness and have never seen this level of bone tired exhaustion in the wonderful teachers with whom I work.
For a single victory, Bobby would work himself to exhaustion, always giving his all.
His sleep became disrupted and at weekends he’d be overcome with exhaustion.
I am excited to share calming stories of deep sleep with her, rather than ones of our resilience in the face of exhaustion.
We see high rates of sickness, symptoms of exhaustion and members who have been infected.
Eventually, cortisol imbalance can lead to weight gain, exhaustion, and a loss in muscle mass—just what you don’t want.