Exorbitantly [adverb]

Definition of Exorbitantly:


Synonyms of Exorbitantly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Exorbitantly:

Sentence/Example of Exorbitantly:

Last year 23 million people went to get payday loans and paid exorbitant amounts of money.

Apple lobbies against Uighur forced-labor billFacebook’s criticism of Apple on Wednesday echoes similar criticisms from iOS developers that say the company charges exorbitant fees.

For the state, options range from not providing any financial compensation or assistance to property owners, and just letting nature take its course, to buying out the properties — a cost that could prove exorbitant for the public.

The ballooning rights fees could make the leagues more likely to sell their rights to tech giants like Amazon and Google that may be better able to stomach the exorbitant amounts.

Still, despite the often exorbitant price tags, we felt these products were worth forking over our hard-earned peanuts.

The first demands of Lewis were, as might have been expected, exorbitantly high.

I paid another exorbitantly to take me and my goods to the brig, and reached the Jackal just as she was weighing anchor.

Food as well as clothing is exorbitantly dear, the only cheap articles of consumption being bread and French wines.

That was the proper chord to touch; but the ransom-money asked was exorbitantly large.

Wheat was scarce, the price of provisions was exorbitantly high, and yet the law was striving to diminish wages.