Expertise [noun]
Definition of Expertise:
Synonyms of Expertise:
● Prowess
● Ability
● Facility
● Know-how
● Savvy
● Skill
● Judgment
● Art
● Dodge
● Oil
● Craft
● Goods
● Line
● Knack
● Cunning
● Finesse
● Mastery
● Aptness
● Bag
● Deftness
● Stuff
● Command
● Ableness
Sentence/Example of Expertise:
Whether it was Tester’s expertise, the stability of a giant 12-foot board, or the 20 pounds I dropped last year, something strange happened.
I feel great about the hire, about the expertise at that position.
The group’s stated goal is to share expertise from the bottom up and fill the gap where existing frameworks don’t quite work.
If you have expertise in ad copy creation, landing page design, PPC account structure, measuring SEO content success, and optimizing your on-page content–we want to hear your pitches.
The right tools, resources, and expertise can make the process much easier.
He decided it was time to focus his expertise on catching crooks in the act.
We each have different backgrounds, areas of expertise, personalities, and points of view, and we want to make sure you get more than one perspective on what’s new in search marketing.
If you are planning to take the spotlight in an online search, then you have to strengthen your E-A-T strategy, meaning expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.
Police unions consolidate their legal and collective bargaining expertise across the state.
During his tenure, the office created its first cybercrime counsel to develop expertise in online threats and activities on the dark Web.