Explicitness [noun]
Definition of Explicitness:
Opposite/Antonyms of Explicitness:
Sentence/Example of Explicitness:
It was unfair to go further without telling her, even though, hitherto, such explicitness had not been absolutely demanded.
The Colonel was told why not with explicitness and vehemence.
For we are told with the utmost explicitness precisely what is to be done.
How he dreaded that terrible explicitness of women, their passion for tidying up, their love of labels!
It may help to explain an explicitness in the use of terms more usual in the physician perhaps than in the layman.
It was against this doctrine that her friend had preached, with more or less of explicitness in her sermon.
The strictness and explicitness with which the public accounts are kept of course greatly facilitate the process of audit.
"The fellow isn't much of a fellow, certainly," says Luttrell, with charming explicitness.
The histories are related with an earnest simplicity and copious explicitness.
The fact of the identity of authorship is stated with the utmost explicitness in the introduction of the Acts.