Exuviation [noun]
Definition of Exuviation:
Opposite/Antonyms of Exuviation:
Sentence/Example of Exuviation:
The new membranes of the body, immediately after the exuviation, are not lax in any extreme degree.
During every successive exuviation in this embryo state, they assume more and more of their perfect and established form.
These are the details of the exuviation of the Lobster whose cast-off shell is before the Society.
In the only examples of the exuviation of macrourous Decapod Crustaceans, there exists a singular diversity in the process itself.
This was the same animal, which had performed exuviation, and extricated itself from the old shell during the night.
About a month after this exuviation the animal perished accidentally, having been two years and eight months under examination.
During every successive exuviation in this embryo state they assume more and more of their perfect and established form.
Society, in all its developments, undergoes the process of exuviation.
The most serious trial through which society can pass is encountered in the exuviation of its religious restraints.
In accordance with this rapid growth is the frequency of the periods of exuviation.