Fabbest [adjective]
Definition of Fabbest:
impressive, splendid
Synonyms of Fabbest:
● August
● Awesome
● Cool
● Courtly
● Elevated
● Exalted
● Grand
● Imperial
● Imposing
● Lofty
● Noble
● Pompous
● Regal
● Royal
● Stately
● Stunning
● Sublime
● Superb
● Magnific
● Smashing
Sentence/Example of Fabbest:
I smiled at the prospect of non-design practitioners nerding over the minutia of pre-fab construction, structural engineering, and ventilation.
This insect varies so much in colour, that I almost think it to be the same species with the following S. cyanipes, Fab.
Not long after, the earle of Chester going ouer to Wales, with long and continual warres tired and Fab.
Fab′ulist, one who invents fables; Fabulos′ity, Fab′ulousness.
It is, as to its general shape, similarly constructed in Agrion Fab.
For illustrations of the fable of this play, compare Hyginus, Fab.
It was a simple pre-fab affair, but big enough to require an awful lot of assembling.