Fact [noun]

Definition of Fact:

verifiable truth; reality

Opposite/Antonyms of Fact:

Sentence/Example of Fact:

They’re likely banking on the fact that voters don’t remember or care that Republicans waited months to start negotiating.

Achieving herd immunity is, in fact, one goal in this pandemic.

This story has been updated to reflect the fact that Red Ventures has made four acquisitions this year, not three.

Many publishers have struggled with the fact that virtual event sponsorships fetch smaller amounts of money than in-person ones.

“The fact is, we created the greatest economy in the history of the world.”

In fact, the federal government was still shipping protective equipment to China well into that month.

“The truth is that the bottom-line number isn’t as important as the fact that we need to as a country respond to people who are in need during an unprecedented public health crisis,” Luria said.

However, the employees were less willing to accept the layoffs on the Innovation team and the fact that all were people of color.

In fact, there was one single factor that trumped all others when it came to those for whom the nudges worked.

Many British Ferns evidence a marked tendency to “sport,” and this is a fact which the beginner should always bear in mind.