Faithlessly [adverb]

Definition of Faithlessly:


Synonyms of Faithlessly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Faithlessly:

Sentence/Example of Faithlessly:

But still she thought with bitter and remorseful feelings of him thus deliberately and faithlessly renounced.

Now, when Fru Kongstrup had the right to shake heaven and earth—so faithlessly had they treated her—now she was silent.

We shall fulfil our oath, and not faithlessly desert the banner which we have hitherto followed.

Many records there are of treaties faithfully kept by the Indians and faithlessly broken by the colonists.

Schweckerle had to bite into a bitter apple several times, as one after another of his children faithlessly abandoned him.

How can she acquit her conscience of having deliberately and faithlessly renounced one who was so true to her?

He promises the trembling Ahaz that, since he had faithlessly refused a sign, God would give him a sign.

He said that the priest had held the rope very faithlessly, and the priest admitted that it was true.

How far would they follow, these faithlessly faithful wanderers of the sea?

Faithlessly as he had behaved to Isy, Blatherwick was not consciously, that is with purpose or intent, a deceitful man.