Falcate [adjective]
Definition of Falcate:
Opposite/Antonyms of Falcate:
Sentence/Example of Falcate:
Setae numerous; the appendage short, falcate, with tip simple, but a slender tooth near middle of curved edge.
"Skull with marked but rounded supra-orbital ridges continued into temporal ridges; coronoid process high and falcate" (Alston).
The dorsal fin is small, located behind the midpoint of the back, and variable in shape from falcate to triangular.
The dorsal fin varies from small and triangular to nearly falcate and pointed on the tip.
It is low in profile, has a long base, is set far forward on the animal's back, and is falcate to "flaglike" in appearance.
The dorsal fin is generally moderately falcate, but may be almost triangular in adult males.
The dorsal fin varies from nearly triangular to distinctly falcate and is pointed on the tip.
They have relatively stubby snouts and dorsal fins, which are broad at the base, tall, and falcate.
The dorsal fin is very small, falcate, and located in the latter half of the back.
I saw but one flower of it, but its falcate seed-vessels, often more than a foot long, were very numerous.