Familiarization [noun]

Definition of Familiarization:

introduction, adjustment

Synonyms of Familiarization:

Opposite/Antonyms of Familiarization:

Sentence/Example of Familiarization:

You should also familiarize yourself with video capture programs and your devices’ built-in screenshot tools for websites that don’t make downloads easy.

If you’ve never familiarized yourself with Windows shortcuts, now might be the time to try—once you’ve committed our list to muscle memory, you’ll be opening up programs and switching between apps faster than ever before.

It won’t be a fun novelty for long, so dive in and get familiarized with VR tech now.

As we head into another round of stay-at-home orders, it’s good to familiarize yourself with your options for online grocery shopping.

This is exciting, but before you dive in and make your own macOS shortcuts, we’d recommend familiarizing yourself with the ones already available.

The crucifix shows us how conventionalization and familiarization set aside all the suggestion which an artifact really carries.

Of those principles the most original was his familiarization of the sentiment, while he elevated the subject, of the picturesque.

There will be no scores indicated for familiarization firing.

On 11 December 1956 he fired the pistol familiarization 100 rounds.

I've been up in one just once, and that was my familiarization flight, when I got into this assignment last year.