Farragoes [noun]
Definition of Farragoes:
Opposite/Antonyms of Farragoes:
Sentence/Example of Farragoes:
I believe now that Professor Farrago perfectly interpreted my thoughts, but he betrayed neither resentment nor impatience.
I retired, disgusted, my faith shaken in the mental vigor of Professor Farrago.
It was even said she had a chance of succeeding Professor Farrago as president, but that, of course, must have been a joke.
Professor Farrago was absent, but I took it upon myself to send back word that I feared the tigers might injure her.
But Professor Farrago refused to resign unless your position was assured, subject, of course, to your good behavior.
And the first thing that they handed me was a letter from Professor Farrago, summoning me South.
In a flash the thought came to me that here was a way to avoid the wrath of Professor Farrago—and a good excuse, too.
Professor Farrago came down to the shore as I landed, and I walked ahead to meet him.
"Professor Farrago said they were not for us to eat," she said, dusting each pie with powdered sugar.
Inside the cage Professor Farrago was seated, his spectacled eyes fixed on the row of pies.