Faster [adjective]
Definition of Faster:
Synonyms of Faster:
● Rapid
● Agile
● Brisk
● Nimble
● Hot
● Quick
● Swift
● Fleeting
● Electric
● Flying
● Hurried
● Ready
● Dashing
● Snap
● Fleet
● Racing
● Active
● Hasty
● Presto
● Pronto
● Snappy
● Winged
● Flashing
● Like mad
Opposite/Antonyms of Faster:
● Upright
● Good
● Unfixed
● Loose
● Insecure
● Flexible
● Plodding
● Dull
● Slow
● Moral
● Movable
● Tardy
● Boring
● Sluggish
● Clumsy
Sentence/Example of Faster:
The clock struck ten, and clerks poured in faster than ever, each one in a greater perspiration than his predecessor.
One thing was certain: Grandfather Mole could travel much faster through the water than he could underground.
She groaned aloud, and her tears flowed faster: Alessandro was making the baby's coffin.
She walked faster, and would not look at him; but he, in his ignorance, misinterpreted these signs egregiously.
Squinty turned around, standing on the edge of the little brook, and waited, his heart beating faster and faster.
I would drive her faster, but as the lift is hanging in the capstan rope under water, they are not willing to risk it.
In fact, incredibly faster, after his once-a-century contraction of short years before.
He turned abruptly away, and she looked after him, her heart beating a great deal faster than it ought to have done.
Carts were continually arriving to remove the dead bodies, which accumulated much faster than they could be borne away.
The drama was about to begin in earnest now, and Jessie felt her heart beating a little faster.