Fauces [noun]

Definition of Fauces:


Synonyms of Fauces:

Opposite/Antonyms of Fauces:


Sentence/Example of Fauces:

The mucous membranes become dry and insensitive, especially those of the fauces.

I believe I have more colds, principally seated on the mucous membranes of the lungs, fauces, and cavities of the head.

Extremely emaciated; his tongue and fauces covered with apthous crusts, and his appetite gone.

Hence the fauces should be freely sprayed with a 5% solution of cocaine.

A good gargle for scurvy of the fauces and pharynx, vulgarly called the inward scurvy.

Highly recommended in inflammation of the fauces and tonsils.

On inspecting the fauces, they appeared in some places raw and excoriated, and in others rough and puckered.

In the ulcerous sore throat much advantage has been experienced from the vapours of effervescing mixtures drawn into the fauces.

It acts in a few minutes and its effect may be hastened by giving tepid water or tickling the fauces.

Swallowing was effected very slowly, and only after the liquid had remained for some time in the fauces.