Faulted [verb]

Definition of Faulted:

switch, fluctuate

Opposite/Antonyms of Faulted:

Sentence/Example of Faulted:

If you’re not from Chicago, you’ve probably long assumed that deep dish is the city’s standard, and it’s not your fault.

The Rockets’ failure to achieve such cohesion is not entirely Harden’s fault, but he is the common denominator.

OpenAI, arguably, has as much—if not more—financial incentive to sugarcoat any faults in GPT-3.

Though it was set in motion by no fault of the administration, it’s something everyone knew about that changed the city.

Providing serious help to people who — through no fault of their own — need serious help would certainly benefit the economy and probably help the stock market, too.

Today’s entry is a player whom few younger fans remember today but who was a fixture behind home plate from the mid-1990s through the mid-2000s — and has gained an unwelcome bit of historical significance in recent years, through no fault of his own.

A score above 90 means that any differences between the predicted structure and the actual structure could be down to experimental errors in the lab rather than a fault in the software.

Ef I had minded Clarsy, yer und ole marsa wudn't faulted me no how.

Granton tried a couple of swift balls and faulted them both.

Harriet began speeding up, but took two long chances and faulted two points to her opponents.