Femur [noun]
Definition of Femur:
leg part
Opposite/Antonyms of Femur:
Sentence/Example of Femur:
The sudden cure of advanced paresis would be as much a miracle as the sudden replacing of a lost femur.
Let one part, that in the centre, form a "femur" (in Greek μηρὁς).
As an adaptation to saltation the tibia would elongate at the expense of the femur and the index would be more than 100.
The femur is short and curved, and the articular ends are disproportionately large as judged by modern standards.
It never shows the mark of the ligamentous attachment to the head of the femur, which is seen in Mammals.
The femur is sometimes little more than half the length of the tibia, and always shorter than that bone.
In the Pterodactylus longirostris the femur corresponds in length to about eleven dorsal vertebræ.
In Pterodactylus longirostris the tibia is slender, more than a fifth longer than the femur.
The femur varies in different genera, so as to suggest a number of mammalia rather than any particular animal for comparison.
The shaft of the humerus is always stouter than that of the femur, though different genera differ in this respect.