Fey [adjective]
Definition of Fey:
Opposite/Antonyms of Fey:
Sentence/Example of Fey:
I had a man go fey on me once, up on the Slave Lake trail, he said slowly.
To see one's own fylgja was unlucky, and often a sign that a man was "fey," or death-doomed.
The next day he seemed just as gay, from dawn till dark, as good-humoured in fact, "as one who feels himself fey."
So tingles the pulsing blood, perhaps, when a man is fey, when the kisses of his mouth are numbered.
I hope I am not fey,' I said to myself, with a little thrill of excitement and expectation as the familiar station came in view.
There is something fey about much of the book: it peers behind the curtains of twilight and sees strange things.
Or at least the possibility of this, I once seemingly confirmed fey an experiment upon some young dogs.
Better have tried to paint her—with a red flower in her hair, a pout on her lips, and her eyes fey, or languorous.
Im thinking no man could yell so lest hes fey himself, or has travelled wi auld Nickie and stole some of his music.
At the same moment a shout of "They are coming" was heard, followed fey a thunderous roar of cheering.