Fines [noun]
Definition of Fines:
penalty in money
Synonyms of Fines:
Sentence/Example of Fines:
You may put on as many fines as you please, Mr. Judge, but by —— there's a difference between imposing and collecting, I reckon.
This system, which we found in operation in many places, is the means of saving motor drivers from numerous fines.
There were the “swell mobsmen,” the camorristi who dressed faultlessly and mixed with and levied fines on people of highest rank.
Such bank was in fact to enjoy a monopoly of levying the fines which the laws of the country imposed upon swearing.
Also I have written to Tauchnitz announcing I should bear one-half part of his fines and expenses, amounting to 62, 10s.
Fines intrinseci accidentales pariter sunt duo: procreatio prolis et remedium concupiscentiae.
Praeterea, illi duo fines intrinseci essentiales matrimonii existunt.
Fines autem accidentales extrinseci plurimi esse possunt, ut pax concilianda, voluptas captanda, etc.
He suffered fines and imprisonments, but would not give up the privilege of writing as he pleased.
For this further offence, such of the prominent conspirators as remained in the country were punished by additional fines.