Fishiest [adjective]

Definition of Fishiest:

doubtful, suspicious

Synonyms of Fishiest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Fishiest:

Sentence/Example of Fishiest:

If the skeptics at Nissenbaum’s talk were right, we reasoned, AdSense should smell something fishy with AdNauseam clicks and toss them back overboard.

On the morning after Election Day, Greg and Jenny Brethen, loyal viewers of Fox News who watched the channel religiously for almost 20 years, turned on their go-to morning show, “Fox & Friends,” and thought they saw something fishy.

Just because something isn’t found to be illegal doesn’t mean it’s not fishy.

Mussels are briny yet sweet and mild, with no “fishy” notes.

Protests that pass the test are promoted through the group’s social media network, while events that seem fishy will be reposted with “do not attend” stamped over the flier.

The east pier, as far as it was dry, was covered by the fashion and beauty—as well as by the fishy and tarry—of the town.

I don't like the look of this Krell, and his story about all the officers being killed in the explosion sounds fishy to me.

There's something fishy about this thing somehow, something fishy that includes Maria Fulton and Morley.

The redness of his face gave signs that he was not far from choking, and out of his fishy eyes there rolled genuine tears.

It is not a village; it is not more fishy than other towns along the shore; and I have never pitied myself for belonging to it.