Five [adjective]
Definition of Five:
having five of something
Opposite/Antonyms of Five:
Sentence/Example of Five:
I presume the twenty-five or thirty miles at this end is unhealthy, even for natives, but it surely need not be so.
Five of the number had studied with Liszt before, and the young men are artists already before the public.
Before daybreak we had ridden five and twenty miles, but had been compelled to abandon two more guns.
These Rules (leaving out the Tenor) serves for five bells; and leaving out the fifth and Tenor, they serve for four bells.
At length only four or five flames remained, feebly wavering in their pools of melted wax.
After about the forty-fifth year it becomes gradually less; after seventy-five years it is about one-half the amount given.
The fight lasted two days, and only two men out of the five hundred escaped with their lives.
The five hundred men whom we had left in San Antonio de Bexar, fared no better.
Edwin Clayhanger invited me to go over the printing-works at half-past six, and it's twenty-five minutes to seven now.
Besides these, twenty thousand Indians are under the care of secular priests—making a total of two hundred and five thousand.