Florescences [noun]
Definition of Florescences:
Opposite/Antonyms of Florescences:
Sentence/Example of Florescences:
In the work of Sir Walter Scott this form of literature attained its florescence.
Royal grace and nobility, sovereign peacefulness and power—every beauty shone out like natural florescence.
It was like a florescence of that dear belated creature whose mind had been awakened by his affection.
But, all the same, it is no mean rival to the quieter process of vegetable florescence.
Art was a unit, and its divine florescence spread from France over all Europe.
It is worth while in this connection to note afresh how closely is art florescence bound up with economic forces.
This successive florescence continues until frost puts a stop to the growth of the plant, which is generally in October.
In the rocky dells there are several kinds of convolvulus of very rich florescence.
There was evident, on the other side of a low hedge, a pale florescence of the flowers.
It is possible that it is a florescence not merely of the author's genius, but of his sickness.