Flushing [adjective]
Definition of Flushing:
Opposite/Antonyms of Flushing:
Sentence/Example of Flushing:
Instead of flushing waste, the system would filter, clean and recycle waste on site.
Celery juice is extremely detoxifying, as it flushes out old toxins and poisons that have built up over time.
One is by turning on the heating system, which takes in fresh air from outside, and opening windows through which it can be flushed out.
People read these facts that I flush out of the record, their eyes bug out, and I think that demonstrates how little we know about these kind of ugly corners of America.
The market is flush with options — and so, in theory, are the lower rungs of the 40-man roster.
It’s a little like the ’60s, when people were dropping acid and having profound “acid insights” along the lines of, “When you flush the toilet, everything goes down!”
Place the table flush against the wall to maximize a narrow balcony, patio, or deck.
Walking past the Smithsonian Castle’s rose garden the other day, I was greeted with the odd experience of seeing bushes in full flush, though the blooms had been battered by recent frosts.
They slip on comfortably and stay flush with the ear, so nothing gets snagged.
At night, they slept head-to-head on beds bolted flush with each other, close enough to smell each other’s breath, “like husband and wife,” one detainee said.