Forfeiture [noun]
Definition of Forfeiture:
Sentence/Example of Forfeiture:
The agreement also calls for increased discipline for those who violate the guidance, which could include unpaid suspensions or forfeiture of salary for those who are forced to miss time.
Moreover, the forfeiture is reasonable under the circumstances of this case, and the operator waived his inability-to-pay claim.
High-profile lawsuits and press attention had prompted some states to reexamine their forfeiture laws.
The forfeiture committee can remove a honor, with the approval of the queen.
It declares a forfeiture, and resumes franchises, once granted, without trial or hearing.
Ralegh, with the certainty of a legal declaration of the forfeiture of the fee, had reluctantly assented to the compromise.
"The doom of forfeiture it would in this case be difficult to enforce," answered De Comines calmly.
His attainder, and that of his family, together with the forfeiture of his lands, was then pronounced.
He has so far succeeded in instigating the Boer nation to acts which involve the forfeiture of their special heirlooms.
It becomes him not to compromise and barter, or to grunt life under the forfeiture of liberty.