Forthright [adjective]
Definition of Forthright:
straightforward, honest
Synonyms of Forthright:
● Sincere
● Candid
● Blunt
● Bald
● Direct
● Directly
● Forward
● Frank
● Open
● Plain
● Real
● Simple
● Straight
● Up front
● No lie
Sentence/Example of Forthright:
While it is important that health communicators are forthright about characteristics that some might deem unfavorable, placing a comparatively stronger emphasis on characteristics viewed favorably could encourage Americans to vaccinate.
Yes, we sell sneakers, but to serve our mission and continue to create the right product, we have to be forthright and truthful about who we’re serving, what they’re going through, and what keeps them going.
Ryan has been unusually forthright on the subject of race and has encouraged the firm to confront difficult issues early in his tenure—including candid conversations about police violence and the criminal justice system.
Yet he often wrote with a forthright power, naked and unadorned, which could dispense with the aid of literary artifices.
Then the guards 434 entered and told the Sultan, who bade bring them before him forthright into the Divan.
When it did, he pulled up short in his stride, as if he had come physically against some forthright obstruction.
But when his hand touched that upon which his head had been resting he cried out suddenly and struggled forthright to his feet.
Any article I may put to its forthright use in actuality becomes an idyllic toy when I find it in the Back of a magazine.
Mrs. Stanton's interest in woman's rights and her forthright, clear thinking made an instant appeal.
He had a liking for all forthright and pugnacious men, and a contempt for lawyers, schoolmasters and all other such obscurantists.