Fortuitously [adjective]

Definition of Fortuitously:

by chance

Synonyms of Fortuitously:

Opposite/Antonyms of Fortuitously:


Sentence/Example of Fortuitously:

It is increasingly difficult to claim them as individual variations which have been preserved fortuitously.

His real estate venture was one of the most fortuitously unlucky things he had ever heard of.

We have many promising varieties that have appeared more or less fortuitously here and there over the country.

It was while casting about for the chief instrument that he fortuitously met Espinosa in the streets of Madrigal.

Mr. Thorn was personally a general favourite, but not conspicuously fit for the position which he had fortuitously attained.

It is not necessary to remember all one sees, nor by imagination to represent to oneself all the things that follow fortuitously.

Ah, and here was a rickety door, fortuitously equipped with a large knot-hole.

One thing led to another; and the acquaintance thus fortuitously begun in a railway carriage was continued in London.

If opportunities do not fortuitously occur, then the man of earnest purpose proceeds to make them for himself.

As he stooped before the cupboard her voice reached him, fortuitously uplifted in "The Flowers of the Forest are a' wede away."