Fortuned [verb]
Definition of Fortuned:
Synonyms of Fortuned:
● Chance
● Portion
● Doom
● End
● Lot
● Cup
● Ending
● Effect
● Break
● Destine
● Issue
● Destiny
● Fortune
● Future
● Karma
● Kismet
● Luck
● Nemesis
● Outcome
● Upshot
● Stars
● Moirai
Sentence/Example of Fortuned:
It fortuned on a day, that Byrrhena desired me earnestly to suppe with her; and shee would in no wise take any excusation.
The Beare running about the house, to make such of the family afeared as fortuned to wake and come out.
And it fortuned after this/ that his masters wife cast hir eyes vpon Ioseph and sayde come lye with me.
What a set of broken-fortuned, broken-charactered people of fashion are about you at Boulogne.
It fortuned that John Drake, going up into the top, descried her about three of the clock.
A certain melancholy possessed the flats as well as our vexed selves that stormy and ill-fortuned morning.
But that we may keepe forme, you shall heare how it fortuned.
Therefore grudge not if this grace is to me fortuned, it is the goodness of God that lent to me my strength.
Herevpon it fortuned, that one of those kings or rulers, about the 14.
The damsel, ceasing never from lamenting and still demanding her pot, died, weeping; and so her ill-fortuned love had end.