Foursomes [noun]

Definition of Foursomes:

group, crew

Synonyms of Foursomes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Foursomes:

Sentence/Example of Foursomes:

In rough outline, the foursome could form an evolutionary chart of NFL quarterback play.

Your crew could memorize some of the challenges, but an AI system would always watch for slip-ups—then pounce with dangerous, AI-controlled enemies for your foursome to contend with.

Initially there was a blond male and female singer and a brunette male and female singer to round out the foursome in ways that were both visually and sonically appealing.

"The Foursome League," which Verity had instituted with her room-mates at the hostel, was kept by them as a solemn compact.

Foursome: A match in which four persons play: two on each side.