Freighting [noun]
Definition of Freighting:
Opposite/Antonyms of Freighting:
Sentence/Example of Freighting:
But putting my own heavy oxen behind, my wild steers in the middle, and my horse in the lead, I made out a good freighting team.
There were no railroads, and all supplies had to be carried across the plains in freighting wagons.
So he found profitable use for his teams, and large freighting wagons, in working that timber into lumber.
He then took up land on Mill creek but for several years gave the greater part of his time and attention to freighting by ox team.
Mr. Pettijohn chose the ox team and freight wagon for his and for a number of years spent much time on the road freighting.
When the railroad was built through, the need for freighting by team ceased and he turned his attention to farming.
He also engaged in freighting in the early days, continuing in that business until the building of the railroad.
It could not be called a town, though now it is a thriving city and the freighting road runs miles below.
I was well acquainted with and did considerable business with Aubery during his years of freighting.
Lewiston had become a place of much importance, being the transhipping point for a great through freighting business.