Frizzles [verb]

Definition of Frizzles:

hiss, fry

Synonyms of Frizzles:

Opposite/Antonyms of Frizzles:


Sentence/Example of Frizzles:

I've got more confidence in a good strong American boy than I have in all the frizzle-headed, tattooed natives in the world!

“I should say so; and also frizzle your back teeth,” added Sid.

Her hair is brown, and she maynt frizzle it, so it is soft and pretty like a babys.

"I felt as if I should frizzle up in the fire of her wrath," he thought with a smile.

I expect you'd try to dry it in front of the fire, and there'd be a pretty eight-shilling frizzle!

I'll fix yer; I'll frizzle dem long beaucatchers like a door mat, an' stamp on 'em.

Also we found bait in the pools, not so much unlike the whitebait we've been eating—I used to frizzle it in palm oil.

It was of no use screaming to that witch of a Frizzle; but she did scream.

O, 041Flaxie Frizzle was a big rogue, as big as she could be, and be so little!

Frizzle, till she looked like his wife's little poodle dog "Apollo."