Frowning [adjective]

Definition of Frowning:


Synonyms of Frowning:

Opposite/Antonyms of Frowning:


Sentence/Example of Frowning:

With beating heart, but steady hand and frowning eye, he advanced another step and found—that the object was a yellow stone!

Something seemed to puzzle him, for he was frowning, but by and by the old cynical smile came back.

Ward, panic stricken and terrified, looked up at Mr. Peck, who stood frowning down at the pair.

But Walter Harkness, standing at the window, stared out from troubled, frowning eyes that saw nothing of the kaleidoscopic scene.

She stood thinking, her fine face, so open-browed and purely lined, frowning and distressed.

He pressed his knuckles against his lips and said, frowning, Well, that leaves only one more thing to do.

After frowning over the communication, Colonel Lewis read it aloud to some of his officers and expressed himself very forcefully.

His pictures, however, were coloured by his gay mood; there were no frowning portraits, and their smiles were all broad grins.

Henri signed to his companions to remain on the threshold, and advanced to the bed, frowning, but silent.

He worked rapidly, humming to himself, frowning occasionally and stepping back to study the result with dissatisfied glances.